Welcome to the Green Light, the online newsletter for the Albury Wodonga chapter of the Australian Greens.

The Australian Greens is a federation of eight state and territory parties which grew out of Australian environment movements in the 1970s and 1980s. The campaign to save Lake Pedder led to the formation of the United Tasmania Group in 1972. This was the first ‘green party’ in the world.

The Albury Wodonga Greens have been an active group for some time, we seek to provide a progressive voice on a number of issues at the federal, state and local level.

We became aware of the need for a resource like the Green Light to enable members and supporters of the Australian Greens in the Albury Wodonga area to stay connected and informed about local events and goings-on in the periods between election campaigns.

We hope that this site will help achieve that, as well as underlining our strong community presence within the Albury Wodonga region and surrounds.

Please check out our links to other sites of interest both locally and nationally.

This site also provides a forum for feedback and debate via the comments function, obviously comments which are derogatory or abusive to other posters will be subject to moderation.

Contributions to the site from members of the community are welcome, if you have an upcoming community event or announcement you’d like posted on this site, submit it via email to alburywodongagreens@communitymail.net

2 Responses to “Who we are.”

  1. neville griffiths Says:

    please include me on any mailing lists,

  2. OK Neville, I’ll update the list, it’s also worth checking back on this site, it’s updated regularly and the idea is to provide a reference for Greens members and supporters in the Albury Wodonga area.

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